
Windows 10 & 11

Download Installer


Intel & Silicon






Android 8.0+

arm64-v8a (recommended) armabi-v7a


Jailbroken & Non-Jailbroken devices

Click for instructions

PC Requirements

CPU Dual Core, AMD Phenom II or Intel i3/i5 CPU, 2.4+ GHz
RAM 4GB minimum. 8GB recommended.
GPU GeForce 400x series, Intel HD 4x series, AMD Radeon 7xxx series
Disk Drive Most storage will do. SSD's preferable or a high R/W HDD
Storage At least 10GB+ of storage space available for the NXT cache

MacOS Instructions

Once you have downloaded the .pkg file, right click -> open instead of double clicking.

Default installation directory is /Applications.

If opening the app after installation by normal means doesn't work, You may also need to right click -> open the .app file as well.

If you experience further problems contact Node in the Ataraxia Discord.

Linux Instructions

Once you have downloaded the ataraxia-installer file, open terminal and run:

cd $HOME/Downloads; sudo chmod +x ataraxia-installer && sudo ./ataraxia-installer

After that you can run the game using the icon on your desktop or quick access area. Right click the client for different launch options.